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The Blessings of Hesder Yeshivot

Hesder Yeshivot
In recent years, various people have criticized and attacked the Hesder yeshivotbecause of its shortened military track. True, they acknowledge that the Hesderyeshiva students are good soldiers, but they claim that specifically because they are good soldiers, the argument is even stronger: Why shouldn’t they contribute three years like their secular brothers? Let’s go back to square one.
The Value of Torah Study
Israel’s existence depends on its connection to the Torah. When we kept the Torah, we flourished; when we abandoned the Torah, we were defeated by our enemies and exiled from our land. Even during the lengthy exile, we survived in the merit of Torah study.
The more straightforward the learning is, the greater positive influence it has. Some of the troubles stemmed from Torah study that was not properly oriented, for example, when studying Torah without first reciting a blessing (Nedarim 81a), in other words, without emunah (faith) in God who gave us the Torah, or without recognizing the specialness of Am Yisrael and its unique role, as we recite in the blessing: “Who chose us from among all the peoples, and gave us His Torah.”
In the Zionist yeshivot, Torah is studied straightforwardly, and as a result this type of learning showers blessings on all areas of national life. The quality of the soldiers is one example of this.
The Percent of Combat Soldiers
The percent of combat soldiers from Hesder yeshivot is especially high – approximately 85%. There is no other group with such a high percentage of combat soldiers. This figure is even more amazing when considering the basic data ofyeshiva students. We are not talking about guys with particularly combat qualities. Many young, religious men who are emotionally and physically fit for combat service, nowadays enlist for three years and serve in elite units. The young men who go toHesder yeshivot are regular guys, with a desire to learn Torah. In other circles, many of them would be considered nerds – medium-bodied with eyeglasses, preferring to avoid combat service. But in the framework of Hesder, they enlist for combat units. Despite their apparently inferior beginning figures, the Hesder platoons are usually the outstanding units in the battalions, and in most competitions, they come in first place – both in physical fitness, and in their level of professionalism. Ten percent ofHesder soldiers continue to become commanders and officers.
The Welcome Impact of the Learning
The welcome impact of the learning continues later on, as well. Among the graduates emerging from Hesder yeshivot are rabbis, educators, researchers, social activists, workers and businessmen helping to develop the Israeli economy.
Many of them earn above-average salaries, remain in the country, and pay taxes. Several merit establishing sizeable families – larger than their parents – and thanks to them, the Jewish nation continues to recover from the curse of the exile.
When people talk about the ‘brain drain’ of academics leaving Israel to go abroad, everyone knows they are not Hesder yeshivot graduates. They stay in Israel. Prof. Moshe Kaveh, former president of Bar-Ilan University, commented to me that these young men are worth investing in above all, because they will return the full investment.
Many of the yeshiva graduates settle Judea and Samaria, fulfilling the vision of the prophets, trying to save the people of Israel – survivors of the sword – from the terrible threat of withdrawal from our old-new homeland.
The vast majority continue serving for decades in reserve combat units – and this, while out of the total population, only ten percent serve in reserve duty.
Several educators, rabbis in Secondary and Higher yeshivot, rabbis in synagogues, communities and neighborhoods are Hesder yeshiva graduates. On a daily basis, they carry on their backs the mission of educating. Thanks to them, religious education is constantly advancing, developing generations of students loyal to the Torah, the Jewish people, and the Land of Israel.
The Welcome Impact on the I.D.F.
In the first decades of the State, the religious community was made up of good Jews who clung to the Torah under harsh conditions, but unfortunately, were not b’nai Torah (leading their lives according to Torah)Their positive influence was minimal. They raised youth ashamed of wearing a kippah, and many of their children left religion. They did not stand out in the army, and only a few reached elite units.
The main reason for the improvement of the level of military service among the religious is the Torah study in yeshivot. Out of the learning halls of Mercaz HaRavand Beit El yeshivot emerged Rabbi Eli Sedan and Rabbi Yigal Levenstein, who established the Pre-Military Academy (mechina) in Eli. And as a result, all the other preparatory academies were inspired by the great spirit blowing in the study halls of the yeshivot were Torah was learned straightforwardly – Torat Eretz Yisrael. Even the men who served in the army without studying first in a mechina, received a boost and inspiration from their peers who studied in yeshivot.
Until then, the majority of yeshiva students were Hareidim who learned the Torah ofchutz l’aretz and failed to appreciate the Israeli army; consequently, the religious who did serve, walked bent over. But as the Zionist yeshivot became stronger, the stature of those serving straightened out. They knew that in the sacred Zionist yeshivot they were very much appreciated, and their service was accompanied by love and prayer. The contribution of the religious soldiers intensified, until they became the leaders in all of the combat units.
The Claims of the Ignorant
Anybody observing the enormous blessings the Hesder yeshivot have produced realizes that the more students they have, the better off the State of Israel and the I.D.F. are. Still, there are some ignoramuses, who insist on harming the Hesder yeshivot by limiting the number of students, or by reducing the months spent learning Torah.
They fail to understand that the study of Torat Eretz Yisrael in the holy Zionistyeshivot – both in Hesder and higher yeshivot, is the reason for all this wonderful prosperity. Those who think that by shortening Torah study they will gain more months of combat service, are similar to a fool who slaughters the chicken that lays the golden eggs.
Those same ignoramuses also fail to understand that the difficulty of maintaining a religious way of life in the army caused many not to enlist and cross over to the Haredi community. Thanks to the yeshiva students the Jewish character of the army was strengthened – first in the Hesder divisions, and from there its influence spread throughout all of the I.D.F.
Harming the Dignity of Hesder Yeshivot
The criticism from the religious public causes the greatest harm, aiding and abetting the attacks of the secular public on the Hesder yeshivot. The person who actually led this assault more than anyone else is MK Elazar Stern. I believe his intention was good, but in practice, no one slandered the Hesder yeshivot and the religious public more than him. He began slandering Hesder when he was the head of Human Resources (Aka) in the I.D.F., and continues today.
The average secular Jew greatly appreciates the Hesder yeshiva students, but after a religious person with senior military status like himself sharply criticizes their shortened army service – it is hard to expect from a secular person to understand more than him, the importance of Torah study. Yet, many of them do understand, as evidenced by Maj. Gen. (Res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal.
The Claim of Equality
And still, there are those who ask: Isn’t this preferential treatment of the Hesder yeshiva students who serve only sixteen months, as opposed to the rest of the soldiers who serve thirty-two months?
The answer is: There is no preferential treatment whatsoever, because any young man who wants to study Torah in a Hesder yeshiva, can. To do so, he must commit to serve five years, of which sixteen months are spent in the army, and the rest of the time in yeshiva. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice another two years of his life for this purpose – welcome!
We recently hosted three soldiers for a Shabbat meal – two regular soldiers and their commander, a Hesder yeshiva student. I asked the two soldiers if they would prefer to continue on a Hesder track, and complete it two years later. Both of them preferred finishing the army in three years and to be freed of any obligation.
Ask soldiers yourself what they would prefer – serving for three years, or for five years with most of the time spent in yeshiva, and you will immediately realize there is no preferential treatment. After all, the teachers in yeshiva high schools try to convince the students to go to Hesder yeshivot, but many of them fail to be convinced, because despite understanding the importance of Torah study, the task is too difficult for them.
If Only Everyone Served in Hesder
If only all I.D.F. combat soldiers served in the Hesder framework! As a result, our security situation would be improved. Straightforward Torah study shapes one’s entire value system, and improves the soldiers in all respects – reliability, responsibility, professionalism, and above all else – high motivation.
If the majority of soldiers were to enter their army service after learning in a Hesder yeshiva, loaded with such values, military service could be streamlined, its duration could be shortened, and better results could be achieved. Incidentally, the Hesdermodel of army service is the only one that can cause a genuine recruitment of members of the Hareidi community.
The Proper Policy
The exaggerated yearning to receive approval and agreement from other authorities is one of the difficult problems of religious public representatives. They should have opposed adding even one month of service, calmly explaining the huge contribution Torah study has for Israeli society at large, and at the same time, work to increase the number of applicants to Hesder yeshivot for next year. Correcting the situation begins with an inner-belief in ideas and values, and the ability to maintain them even in difficult times.
In the face of all the attacks, it must be stated that we also have claims and proposals for change: for example, eliminating compulsory conscription of women, who’s national, economic, and moral damage outweighs its benefit. Likewise, a careful investigation should be made as to why the percentage of army evaders and yordim(emigrants) among the secular is so high. Isn’t it about time they put a little more genuine Jewish and Zionist education in the schools? Isn’t it about time they reinforced family values and modesty? If equality, then why only in the narrow area of the length of regular army service? Why not demand an equal percentage of recruits to all combat units from all groups and sectors? And why not demand an equal percentage of reserve duty soldiers? Why does the religious community have to contribute to the army several hundred percent more than its proportionate share?
The ‘Yesh Atid’ party arose out of the claim that the middle-class, which bears the burden of the State’s existence, could not be squeezed any further. The National-Religious community is therefore the quintessence of bearing the burden! More than anyone else, it enlists in the army en masse for both regular and reserve duty, guards the legacy of Torah study and mitzvoth, establishes large families, pays above-average taxes, frequently volunteers, encourages aliyah and prevents yeridah, settles the land, and sacrifices their lives in defense of the nation and the land beyond all others – as attested to by the kedoshim (holy ones), whose bodies lie in the cemeteries. There is a limit to how much more can be squeezed from it. All these contributions are thanks to the significant education and Torah study in the Hesder yeshivot.

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